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Prof. Carlos Baquero

Universidade do Porto


Carlos Baquero is a Professor in the Department of Informatics Engineering within FEUP, and area coordinator at the High Assurance Laboratory (HASLab) within INESC TEC. From 1994 till mid-2021 he was affiliated with the Informatics Department, Universidade do Minho, where he concluded his PhD (2000) and Habilitation/Agregação (2018). He currently teaches courses in Operating Systems and Large Scale Distributed Systems. Research interests cover data management in eventual consistent settings, distributed data aggregation and causality tracking. He worked in the development of data summary mechanisms such as Scalable Bloom Filters, causality tracking for dynamic settings with Interval Tree Clocks and Dotted Version Vectors and predictable eventual consistency with Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types. Most of this research has been applied in industry, namely in the Riak distributed database, Redis CRDBs, Akka distributed data and Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB.

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Prof. Annette Bieniusa

University of Kaiserslautern-Landau


Annette Bieniusa is leading the Software Technology Group at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. Her research area is the semantics and programming abstraction for concurrent and distributed programming, with a focus on replication, synchronization, local-first software, and programming languages. She leads the development of the geo-replicated CRDT database AntidoteDB and is a Scientific Advisor and Architect of the ElectricSQL platform.

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Prof. Elisa Gonzalez Boix

Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Elisa Gonzalez Boix is a professor of Computer Science at the Software Languages Lab (SOFT) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) leading the Distribution and Concurrency (DisCo) research group. Her research focusses on language technology to support the design of both programming languages and tools with a focus on mobile and cloud systems, internet of things and Big Data applications.

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Dr. Vitor Enes

DittoLive Inc


Vitor Enes is a Software Engineer at Ditto. His work includes testing and verification of distributed systems, and data consistency via both consensus and CRDTs.

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Dr. Antonio Fernandez

IMDEA Networks


Antonio Fernández Anta is a Research Professor at IMDEA Networks. Previously he was a Full Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) and was on the Faculty of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He has been awarded the Premio Nacional de Informática “Aritmel” in 2019. He has more than 25 years of research experience, and more than 200 scientific publications. He was the Chair of the Steering Committee of DISC and has served in the TPC of numerous conferences and workshops.

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Prof. Carla Ferreira

NOVA University of Lisbon


Carla Ferreira is an Associated Professor at NOVA University Lisbon and a researcher at NOVA LINCS research centre. Her research focuses on developing formal calculi, techniques, and tools to express and reason about concurrent and distributed systems with the ultimate goal of helping programmers build trustworthy and efficient systems. Currently, she leads the TaRDIS project, a Horizon Europe project centered around the correct and efficient development of applications for swarms and decentralized distributed systems.

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Prof. Gowtham Kaki

University of Colorado, Boulder


Gowtham Kaki has a background is in Programming Languages and Formal Methods. His research is driven by the curiousity to apply language design techniques and formal methods to solve hard problems in computer science. He frequently works at intersection of PL and Distributed Systems, Databases, Security, and Artificial Intelligence.

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Prof. Martin Kleppmann

University of Cambridge

United Kingdom

Martin Kleppmann is a researcher in distributed systems and security protocols at the Technical University of Munich and at Ink & Switch. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge. In a previous life, he was a Silicon Valley software engineer and entrepreneur, cofounding and selling two startups and working on large-scale data infrastructure at LinkedIn. He is the author of the best-selling O'Reilly book Designing Data-Intensive Applications.

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Prof. Mira Mezini

Technische Universität Darmstadt


Mira Mezini leads the Software Technology Group at TU Darmstadt. Her current research focus is in the intersection between (1) Programming paradigms and languages for resilient decentralized data-intensive software systems, (2) program analyses for automated software quality (e.g., discovering security vulnerabilities data protection violations, API misuses, etc.) (3) Development methods and declarative languages for AI software systems.